You won’t find the meaning in the dictionary or even in the show of the same by Philippe Genty. “Boliloc” is an imaginary trip through time, space, memory and even the human body, meeting creatures both grotesque and fanciful, in cosmic, organic and fantastic settings. Ostensibly the story of a ventriloquist put to the test by her rebellious dummies, the show leaves the door wide open to individual interpretation. So it is with Genty, the French puppeteer famous the world over for magical, mind-bending quests in search of his multiple selves. As in shows like “Voyageur immobile” and “Passagers clandestins” (1995-1999), developing the theme of the interior voyage, he places the unconscious at the heart of all of his work. His explorations can make for dumbfounding, enchanting spectacles. In “Boliloc” however, Genty fails to excite; except for a burlesque strain developed with Belgian actor Christian Hecq, the piece brings little that is new to a familiar vocabulary of dance, marionettes, acrobatics and set design, developed over the past 30 years. Still, some nice images and enough wonders to please neophytes.
To June 29, Tues-Sat, 8:30 pm, Sun, 3 pm (no show June 8), Théâtre du Rond-Point, 2 bis, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 8e, Mº Franklin D. Roosevelt, 16,50€-33€, tel:
Photo Credit: Pascal François